Battery-energy Offer 2

The K40.5000.G.100, for as little as $11,406:

5KVAPower output    (What is a KVA?)
10KWhLithium Battery (What is a KWh?)
Main House circuitsBacked up circuits (What is a Circuit?)
15-80% savingsSaved power (See our calculations)
Or call us about a larger or complex system.

3 ways to own the K40.5000.G.100 Battery system with Energy Dashboard:

Brighte financed & We install$12,374 Total$3,093.50
25% Deposit
for 18mon.
Buy & we install$12,374 Total$1,856.1015% Deposit.
Buy & self install$11,406 Total$5,70350% Deposit.

Want a larger model? Ask us about a larger or more complex installs: 10KVA+, 15KWh+ battery and 3 phase.

Why Choose Brighte?

The Brighte 0% Interest Payment Plan provides the opportunity to upgrade your energy efficiency today, and pay it back over time.

Approval criteria, fees, terms and conditions apply. Learn more

About Brighte

Brighte is on a mission to make every home sustainable. By making the benefits of clean energy simple, accessible and affordable to Australian families.